How To Cut In Paint for Accent Walls and Ceiling

Here are my best tips for cutting in around the ceiling or for an accent wall!

4 Things You’ll Need:

  1. A ladder that gets you high enough.  Your head should be as close to touching the ceiling as possible!  The closer your eyes, the better the line.
  2. A brush you feel comfortable with.  Angled, straight, 3″ wide or thin… You can successfully do it with any of these!
  3. A smaller container for paint (while you’re on the ladder).
  4. A clean, damp rag at the ready… just in case.

My #1 Tip for the Perfect Straight Line…

You’re not going to believe this, but here it is.  Paint a little bit onto the OTHER wall.  Yes, that’s actually on the ceiling, or on the neighboring wall.   See it demonstrated in the video, or take a look at these pictures showing the difference.


Why does this work?  Going right into the corner is nearly impossible to get it RIGHT in the corner without sometimes bumping up onto the neighboring wall, and sometimes dropping away from it… If you try to freehand it down the wall next to the corner/ceiling, it’s very hard to get it perfectly straight (line on the left).  However if you go onto the neighboring wall just a tiiiiiiiiny bit, 1/16″ or so, it looks as straight as the wall.  Imagine the ceiling – you look at the vertical wall, so the only way you would notice your line going “over” onto the ceiling is if you stand right up to the wall and look straight up, a place we almost never stand.  If you made the line down from the ceiling a bit, you do see that all the time, and your eyes will notice the “gap” between the two lines – the paint, and the actual drywall corner.

Thank you, Dad, for being the first person to teach me how to paint, ever since I can remember.  I got my eye for critiquing paint jobs from you too, but it benefits us with a high quality look.  It pays to be detailed on this stuff.  Dads, teach your daughters to paint and how to do at least the basics of around-the-house fix-it DIY things!!

And thank you, Ben, for letting me be a guest on your channel. 😀

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