Painting Day & Sensory Play

sensory play baby paint.jpg

Rough sandpaper.

Soft roller.

Spongy, squishy roller.

Crinkly newspaper.

Cool metal.  Heavy hammer.

Slippery plastic drop cloth.  (Try walking on it in socks!)

I know, I know, I haven’t finished all my baby posts yet, but as I sat and held two-month-old Olaf, in the middle of all the painting equipment and accessories, watching Ben paint, it occurred to me that this could be turned into an amazing sensory experience and I just HAD to post about it!  I was introduced to the term “sensory play” while working in preschool last year.  Basically, they are activities that stimulate the five senses – touch, taste, smell, hear and see.  I am super excited about nurturing a child’s development in this way because I am a kinesthetic learner myself!  So, here is a real life idea for sensory “play,” even with your baby!

Wet paint?

We will save that one for when he’s a little older! 🙂

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