The Worst Reason to NOT Home School


The worst reason to NOT home school?

Jamie over at Simple Homeschool has written about The Worst Reason to Homeschool.  The flip side?  The worst reason to NOT home school.  I hear it quite often actually.  It’s the same reason mothers who would never dream of home schooling throw excuses out to defend themselves… and moms who have been home schooling for years silently question themselves yet again.


It’s so easy to hear this voice.  It says

I don’t have a degree in education.

I don’t even have a degree.

I’m not organized enough.

How will I do high school?  I flunked algebra myself!

I’m not a good enough mom.

{and et cetera}

But just as often, it comes at us from another angle and says

What will my parents (the grandparents) think?

What will my friends think?

What will the teachers think when I’m not putting him back in public school?

What will the state testing person think if my child is slightly “behind”?

What will random strangers think when they see my kids out during “school hours”?

How will they see me, the crazy-hippie-home-school-mini-van-driving-lady-with-25-children-mom???

What will other people think of me?

{and et cetera}

Fear is the wrong kind of motivator, but it’s pretty good at what it does.  It wants to exaggerate your insecurities and point out all the ways you’re not qualified (a lie).  By keeping the focus on YOU and OTHERS (what they think), it keeps you from asking What’s best for my children?  It keeps you from making an informed decision for the type of education you want for your child. Instead, it scares you into making a decision out of fear.

Fear is not a valid reason to not home school!

Let’s get some TRUTH!

Go ahead and write out the reasons you want to home school.  In a couple sentences explain how this type of schooling better fits the vision/mission/goals of your family.  In addition to reminding yourself of these (often!), let’s go through some common excuses listed above.

I don’t have a degree in education.  I don’t even have a degree.  Proverbs 22:6  “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”  Deut. 6:7  “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”  If God sees you as fit to teach your children Biblical truths and His commands (which is most important), you can rely on Him for the wisdom and courage to educate your children academically as well.

 I’m not organized enough.  There are books, seminars, ideas online, etc.  and other moms who would be able to keep you accountable.  Though some people have more natural tendencies to be organized, this is a learn-able skill!

How will I do high school?  I flunked algebra myself!  There are easily three ways of looking at this: 1) You will grow and learn with your child!  2) By the time s/he reaches high school you can reassess and decide which type of education best fits your child.  3) Most home school high school curriculums are written in a self-taught style with easy to administer and correct tests.  Often they have a “teacher” via video.  As the mom, you do not have to be an expert for your child to learn and do well.  4) You could join a co-op where another mom who is more proficient in the subjects you struggle in, is teaching algebra, science, etc.

I’m not a good enough mom.  Lie.  Lie.  LIE!  We’ll talk about this later.

What will my parents (the grandparents) think? What will my friends think? What will the teachers think when I’m not putting him back in public school? What will the state testing person think if my child is slightly “behind”? What will random strangers think when they see my kids out during “school hours”? How will they see me, the crazy-hippie-home-school-mini-van-driving-lady-with-25-children-mom??? What will other people think of me?  Are you living to please God or impress people?

You are more than a good enough mom.  You are a GREAT mom!  God chose YOU to be the mother of your children!

Happy Mother’s Day!

P.S. Get excited for upcoming posts including Homeschooling a 9-Month Old (from my experience!) and  interviews from veteran home school moms who have lots more wisdom and years of teaching experience than I do!

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