Sick Day {12 Days of Sensory Play}

homemade electrolyte drink

Day 11 – Sick Day 🙁

Well, it happens.  A puking toddler is not what you want to wake up to in the morning.  And not while 8 months pregnant which makes you slightly queasy yourself, not to mention all around a little slower on the kid-bucket-tile-floor grab.

Homemade Electrolyte Drink

1/2 C freshly squeezed orange juice

1/4 C freshly squeezed lemon juice

2 C mint tea

2 TBS raw honey

1/8 tsp Himalayan Pink salt (or just salt)

Mix in a blender.  Or, as I do because I’m lazy, dissolve the salt and honey in the hot tea, then stir in everything else.  When they won’t drink water, this yummy “special” drink is a great way to get fluids back in!  As well as replenishing the salts and sugars our body needs along with vitamin C, and mint tea for calming the stomach.

sick toddler flu

3 Tricks for Sick Toddlers

  • Bucket – an ice-cream pail works well.  Otherwise any large bucket, bowl or container.  Keep one in every room and be ready to grab it FAST!
  • Bib – If they’re young enough for this to be appropriate, remember to dress them with a bib!  I cannot stress enough how this helps save changes of clothes, and when the bucket is too far away, flip it up and it works as a catch-all.  (MUCH better than using your hands!  Ewwww!!!)
  • Towel – Make a “bed” for them on the floor with a towel.  Saves the carpet, and in the case that the bucket is not at hand, at least get them over the towel!  This gives your little one a defined space where they can be, close to their bucket and electrolyte drink!

You can do it, Momma!  Nothing else needs to get done today.  Just sit on a towel, hold a bucket and survive.  You WILL survive.

sick toddler

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