Maple 6-9 months


These were supposed to be the kids’ 6-month and 2 year photos/posts, but time slipped by in the fast-paced really fun summer… So this will cover a three-month range of her development instead!  {Pictures from 9 mo. old}

Our darling girl is getting so big!  And *she* thinks she is big enough to do ANYTHING!  She is curious about the world around her, and is learning about it through taste these days!  Her most exciting (for me) supposed-to-be-non-edible that she put in her mouth was a Japanese beetle… yuck!  Fallen leaves are another of her favorites.  Needless to say, I am getting quite good at the mouth finger sweep again!


She is wide-eyed and alert, and doesn’t miss a thing!  Her most notable physical traits at this age are her big dark eyes and “fuzzy” hair!


All in one week {at about 8.5 months}, she…

  • got her 1st tooth
  • pulled herself to standing
  • said “Mama!” her very 1st word!!!
  • stood holding on with only one hand, then no hands
  • popped her 2nd tooth
  • “walked” behind a truck for a few steps (we haven’t seen any more steps since)
  • became serious about eating food

And just like that our baby grew up.


A daughter with her dad… such a precious thing!


She loves her grandparents and all four sets of great-grandparents!  She was dedicated on Oct. 4, a beautiful warm fall day!  Maple, it is our prayer for you that you will love and serve the Lord your whole life!  We commit to raising you in the knowledge and example of Jesus, and teaching you with wisdom, mercy and love.

Maple likes to follow Ole around and speed crawls to keep up with him!

*Most* of the time she’s very welcome to join in his adventures, which means she plays with trucks, tractors, trains, and building sets!  {Shhhhh… she might be getting a baby doll for Christmas!}  This year seems to have been the boy year for babies born in our community, so I suspect as she grows up with an older brother and all his friends, she’ll climb trees and build forts with the best of them.

She doesn’t mind getting dirty, but I do mind when so many of her cute girl clothes are light colored and I don’t want them to end up stained.

She knows what she wants and when she wants it, and lets us know by grunting or screeching – it’s time to teach her signs!  Mostly it’s centered around food; she KNOWS when someone is eating or preparing food and she’d like a taste, please.  

Her favorite foods are finger foods – anything she’s allowed to feed herself.  She loves peas!  (Funny, I was looking back at Ole at 9 months and he disliked them with a vengeance. :))

She can wave ‘bye’ and sign ‘all done.’

She is very ticklish and loves to play with Dad when he gets home.

She has the cutest little giggle and laugh, though she has a thoughtful, serious side.

I’m hopeful that as she gets up off the floor and standing more, I won’t have to vacuum quite as often!  She loves standing up to anything and everything, and can climb stairs.  

She is a wild splasher in the bath and grins so big!

Maple likes other little kids around and is good at socializing, and is more of the calm, quiet one in a group.

When she’s TOO quiet, for too long though… she will most likely be found eating small rocks in the porch. “LEAVE THE DOOR CLOSED, Ole!!!”


When you had the perfect shot… and brother walked right. in. front.

But he loves her dearly, and means well.  He is possessive about his food… but when it comes to his sister, he sneaks bits of food from his plate to her on her tray when I’m not looking!

I feel like there is so much more to say about our wonderful 2nd child.  But soon they will wake up from naps and my magical mommy moment will be over, so I’d better just get this posted!


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