72-Hour Flu, Times Two

With a baby and a toddler sick, who have thrown up between 8-10 and over 20 times, respectively, over the last five days… it does something to your brain!  Nothing is TMI anymore… I’m sure all you mommas can relate!

So have a laugh… it’s the best way to cope!



Naomi S. Sahlstrom

 No time to mope!

Hope against hope

It’s the 12-hour flu

If you only knew

It would be 72

Plus twenty-four

And maybe more!


Only way to get through

Such a terrible flu

A sense of humor,

Prayers to God, or

Just curl up and die.

Oh why oh why

Did I want to be a nurse?!

This terrible curse!


I will spare you details

When a little boy ails

Of how many towels

What comes out of his bowels

Whatever he eats

Is staining the sheets

(The things I see twice

Are not very nice!)


No friends have I seen

In this quarantine

We really like you

But not this bad flu

So we stay away

At home all day

Too sick to even play.


Enter SUPERMOM mode!

When they explode

I whip around

At every sound

I’m quick on the draw

But not for the law;

I’d have it made

In the bucket brigade


“You’re going to be fine”

Just don’t try to dine

I’m right here

So tuned is my ear

Whenever they blow

Like a volcano

“No, no, no, NO!

Oh ick!

Don’t lick!–

That water bottle of mine.”

…Never mind, it’s fine.


This is how it will go

With kids feeling low

Laundry for a mile

Oh what a pile

 I would not pick

This time to be sick

How long will this last?

Is there life past

This horrible flu?

Tell me it’s true!


Oh what a test!

Of who I love best

Though hard to be

Not about me

Love that’s true

Knows what to do

And will sacrifice

When life’s not nice

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